Been a While
MoonRise Sets?
Hello there, o’ alert ones!
Yes, I realize it’s been a long while since I’ve sent an alert out, and as I pause to consider it the only real reason for that is that, well, the reason why I don’t do anything… I haven’t felt up to it.
Sure, work has been busy, and I’ve been working on a number of writing projects that are occupying my time, and I’ve got a family to take care of and a house to maintain, amongst other responsibilities. And I suppose I could use those as excuses if I wanted to do that. You could argue I am doing that just by even mentioning them. But what it really boils down to is I haven’t logged into my substack account and written one of these things to completion so I could send it out to all of you until now.
That’s really it. And when I put it like that, it’s not necessarily a bad thing, or anything I feel like I need to apologize for. It’s just the reality. Now, that’s not to say that I don’t wish I had been sending these out on a more regular basis, or that I won’t be endeavoring to do that in the future, because I’ve got quite a bit of exciting, comics-adjacent things to talk with you about, but I guess I’m not going to beat myself up for it either.
That’s okay, right?
We Call it MoonRise for a Reason
Enough of that for now! It’s time to talk about the reason I’ve sent out this here alert, and that’s MoonRise!
The last time I sent out an alert Episode 25 of MoonRise had just been released. Since then, all the rest of the episodes of Season 1 of MoonRise have now come out and we’ve reached an end of sorts. Here they are below, in no particular order (just kidding, it’s numerical!).
Episode 26
That’s right! Yesterday marked the Season 1 finale of MoonRise! Episode 30 (read it NOW by clicking the image above) was one of our biggest and boldest efforts yet, and while we’re going back on hiatus while we prepare for the debut of Season 2, we also didn’t want to leave our readers hanging without a little something extra to express our gratitude. So!
One week from now we’ll be releasing a MoonRise Q&A episode where we take reader questions submitted to us and answer them to the best of our ability! To participate all you’ve got to do is make a comment with a question of some kind on Episode 30 of MoonRise! We’re also going to be including some very cool art from some very talented comics professionals (I honestly can’t believe who all we got to participate) along with the Q&A episode, so it’ll be well worth your time.
And then one short week later we’ll be revealing the winners of our first official MoonRise Fan Art Contest! The Fan Art Contest is live right now on the MoonRise website (entries accepted until 09/20/2024), but in short, there’s cash prizes for the top three entrants, and the overall winner will have the opportunity (should they choose) to draw (with colors and letters by Cem Iroz) a humorous, 10-panel recap of Season 1 to be released the same day as the debut of Season 2!
We’ll announce the winners on the MoonRise website before the end of September, which the graphic below explains far better than I can.
Pretty cool, right? So if you know any aspiring comic artists, are one yourself, or even better… if you just like MoonRise and want to draw you some Kam, Anula or even *shudder* Sterling… then please do consider submitting an entry to the contest. We’d genuinely love to see it!