Okay, so this might not be widely known by anyone outside of those who are rabid (see what I did there?) fans, but Cem Iroz and I, the creators of MoonRise (he said modestly), have been calling anyone that supports our little Webtoon Original whether by reading, liking, commenting, sharing, supporting us through our currently dormant Patreon or otherwise, Our Pack.
And as any Jungle Book aficionado will tell you, whether you ask or not, probably, not only does the strength of the pack come from the wolf, the strength of the wolf comes from the pack. So you can imagine that it’s been tough wandering the internet as a lone wolf these many months since the last episode of MoonRise dropped. I’ve been starving, o’ alert ones! And not for, like, deer or moose or, uh… rabbits, but for content!
But those lonesome, hunger-filled days are over! I’m about to get more than my fill! I’ll be picking my teeth in no time, all engorged and what not! Why, you ask? Because the Pack is Back!
Right now, and by now I mean right this instant you can head over to Webtoon (or click the image overhead) and read the newest installment of MoonRise, back after a hiatus of nearly 10 months!
Wait, it’s been 10 months? Did I type that right? Huh, what d’ya know…
What have we been doing all this time, you might ask? Well, I’m glad you did! But not because I’m going to tell you. Instead, I’ll ask that you direct your attention to MoonRise itself so we can show you! Because the short answer is A LOT!
I tend to think of MoonRise as my crowning achievement as a creator to this point in my “young” (I’m not that young) career, and really I’m just amped to show off the hard work Cem and I have put into this story we’re so passionate about.
To that end, our plan is to release an episode of MoonRise each week until the end of Season 1 without further interruption, and we’ll have at least one Fast Pass (pay-to-read) episode available each week as well for anyone who wants to read ahead and be all spoiled and such.
Wait, you’re still here? You want more, you say?
Well, never let it be said I’m some sort of Ferris Bueller sadistic-type, all making you sit through the credits with nothing more than the big brush off to show for it.
Instead, I’ll leave you with an after-credits scene that’s more than worth your while!