So I wasn’t really aware of the phenomenon until I started writing the Skullgirls webtoon, but apparently “two weeks” is kind of a running gag amongst the developers of the Skullgirls mobile/console game and their dedicated fanbase. Often updates and the like will be promoted and when the fanbase asks about it said updates will be promised in this span of time. And hey, sometimes that’s what’ll happen! But then other times due to real life complications those updates or what have you will not happen in two weeks’ time. Rather, the anticipation for those updates or what have you will linger for much longer.
And that brings me to the Skullgirls webtoon itself! Because, uh, yep… it’s been on hiatus for some time now. The last episode dropped on 04/28, and then on 05/05 I fired off an instagram post that let the world (or my small audience within it) know that Skullgirls would be back a scant two weeks later!
And then those two weeks passed and so I made another instagram post that mentioned two additional weeks. And then another two weeks passed. And another. And now, 13 or so weeks later here we sit, still awaiting the return of Skullgirls! So what’s the deal?!?
Well, all I can say is something similar to my latest instagram post, which you can get a glimpse of just below, and that’s that the team tasked with working on the Skullgirls webtoon is hard at work to get it back up and running and readable as soon as we possibly can. It ain’t gonna be two weeks from now, but I do believe it’ll be sooner rather than later, and that it’s going to be well worth the wait.
Two Weeks Too. Interestingly, two weeks seems to be more than just my favorite span of time, and I can prove it! Here’s two very dated examples of “two weeks” being used as famous (or at the very least memorable to me) movie quotes! Don’t believe me? Observe!
The power of Two Weeks compels you! (The last video, I promise!)